
Early evaluation for orthodontic treatment may help preserve adult teeth and make future full treatment quicker, easier, and less costly. Early evaluation will be beneficial to your child’s long-term dental health.


Ortho for Children


Having crooked teeth is not the only reason to seek an ortho consultation! The American and Canadian Associations of Orthodontics recommend that kids should have an ortho evaluation no later than age 7. Even when teeth look straight, a child may have underlying problems!

brace·ol·o·gy is excited to provide Invisalign First as an ortho treatment of choice for children. Invisalign First are clear plastic trays that are designed to treat a broad range of teeth straightening issues in growing children, from simple to complex, including crowding, spacing, and narrow dental arches. They are removable for easy hygiene, making it easier for growing children to brush and floss. They are also designed for comfort – which means no discomfort from rubbing brackets or poking wires.


brace·ol·o·gy is healthy, beautiful smiles.