
Braceology is excited to offer ortho for adolescents. More than just a beautiful smile, we’re creating a happier and healthier future for teens!

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Who Me?

You’ve consulted a dentist or an orthodontist and you got the news that you need braces. Don’t be upset, getting your smile on track will bring you so many benefits! How your smile looks can affect your confidence and self esteem... big time! Straightening your teeth will not only make you look great, but will help with your oral health.

The optimal time to get orthodontic treatment is in your early teens, when you are just about to lose your last baby teeth. As those last baby teeth are lost, small spaces will be created and ideally we want to use those spaces to reduce some of your crowding before the teeth move on their own and the spaces are lost.

Teen orthodontics focus on correcting problems with tooth positioning that will improve your smile and optimize your future oral health. With aligned teeth and bite, oral care becomes easier as an adult.

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Why Braces?

Orthodontics is not merely for improving the aesthetics of your smile; orthodontic treatment improves bad bites. These occur as a result of tooth or jaw misalignment. It can affect the way you smile, chew, clean your teeth or feel about your smile.

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What’s Next?

Dr. Paige will meet with you and your family. During your first consultation appointment Dr. Paige will do a thorough exam which will include a 3D scan of your teeth, some pictures and an x-ray. Together we will decide whether Traditional braces or Invisalign Teen™ works best for you.

Once a decision has been made, Dr Paige will get started planning your unique treatment, i.e. designing your new smile.

Your next appointment is the exciting one because we will be putting on or “bonding” your braces. This involves installing attachments if you chose Invisalign (the attachments are little tooth-coloured bumps that the plastic trays grab onto) or metal brackets if you go the traditional route.

Now that you are on your way to a beautiful smile, Dr. Paige will monitor your progress personally and you will be scheduled for visits to see her. Expect appointments about every 8 weeks for traditional braces and 12 weeks for Invisalign.


What’s your next big life event?


Braceology is Ottawa’s family orthodontic clinic