Our Services

At brace·ol·o·gy, we offer several services to help you achieve your full smile potential. Read on to see how we help people of all ages!

Invisalign Patient


This is a “braces” system that uses a series of clear plastic trays to move your teeth very efficiently and comfortably. The trays are called aligners and you get a fresh set every week. Don’t worry though… you only have to come in to see Dr. Paige about every 3 months or so!

Invisalign Teen

Invisalign Teen

This is very similar to regular invisalign but it has additional perks like a little blue dot that tells Dr. Paige if you’ve been wearing your trays enough. Eat all the popcorn you want and still be able to brush and floss like a champ! Let’s work together on getting those braces off before your next big life event!


Invisalign First

In kids, there are a handful of very specific issues that can affect how jaws grow and teeth become crowded over time. Dr. Paige can prevent or minimize many longterm orthodontic complications like jaw surgery or tooth extractions if your child is seen early enough. Age 7 is the ideal age to visit Dr. Paige to rule these things out! Think 7-UP!

Traditional Brackets

Traditional Bracket

These are the metal brackets that everyone knows and loves! The brackets that Dr. Paige uses have a tiny door that hold the wires in place. If want to stand out and show your braces off, we can add coloured elastics, no problem! And if you are feeling more of a discreet vibe, we also can offer you a tooth coloured version of this bracket.

Orthognathic Surgery.jpg

Orthognathic Surgery

Has someone told you you need jaw surgery? RATS! For a very small group of people, a combination of surgery and braces is the only way to get ideal function and aesthetics. The good news is that technology has come A LONG WAY and there is no longer a need to have your jaws wired shut etc. In fact, most people are able to chew foods only a couple of days after the surgery and get back to school or work in about 2 weeks. Dr. Paige works with a fantastic oral surgeon in Ottawa and can even do Invisalign in select surgical cases!